
  • Yu. A. Krysan Zaporozhye National Technical University, Ukraine



stand, electromechanical, microprocessor relay, control system, starting rheostat, asynchronous electric motor


The worked out stand is based on the basis of existed laboratory equipment for research of the different modes of asynchronous electric drive. For a management the modes of starting and braking with the Moeller microprocessor relay is used.
The offered solution of modernization allows simultaneously to investigate work of electromechanical control system, realized on classic to the relay – contact base of management, and system, realized on a modern microprocessor equipment, and also to conduct the necessary tuning of stand constituents and investigate the transient of current slip-ring induction motoring.
An equipment allows to put right and test the next modes: rheostat starting slip-ring induction motoring in the functions of time, reverses, dynamic braking.
The worked out course of laboratory works allows to conduct timing of switching of degrees of resistances and construction of electromechanical descriptions slip-ring induction motoring and also to design his work using the SimPowerSystems libraries of МATLAB Simulink package. Creation of program algorithm and its realization as a EASYSOFT program environment are performed. Verification of rightness of the program writing and tuning of all program elements parameters are done. It is shown that the removal of the real current is in the phase of rotor (by means of digital oscillograph) and it is don’t the design comparison of its results

Author Biography

Yu. A. Krysan, Zaporozhye National Technical University

Ph.D, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Krysan, Y. A. (2014). MODERNIZATION OF LABORATORY STAND OF ASYNHRONOUS ELECTRIC DRIVE RESEARCH. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 49–54.