Algorithm for formation of optimum schematic solutions of local electrical power systems containing renewable sources of electric energy




renewable energy supply, method of potential surfaces, mains structure, load node, electric receiver, loss of electrical energy


Purpose. Formation of optimal circuit design solutions of the local mains with renewable power supply with take apart the minimum losses of electrical energy and reduct discounted costs.

Methodology. Math model of local mains with renewable power supply. The decomposition and reduction method for the structures of mains that are optimized. The method of potential surfaces. Methods of parametric optimization for the circuit design solutions.

Findings. It is noted that although the share of the renewable power supply continues to grow and develop rapidly, the industry still faces many challenges as: reduce electricity losses and annual costs, improve operation and maintenance efficiency, maintain mains stability, ensure safety and reliability of the power supply system with the renewable power supplies.

It is shown that an effective solution to these problems is possible only on the basis of the analysis of the prospects for the development of the local mains with renewable power supplies, the development of technical and organizational support mechanisms that will contribute to the construction of modern circuit design solutions.

Originality. It is proposed to apply the potential surface method for create the optimal structure of the local mains with renewable power supplies  during its design and modernization, which allows optimizing the mains structure with take apart the minimum losses of electrical energy and reduct discounted costs.

Practical value. The algorithm of forming the structure of power supply systems is described, which realizes the simultaneous solution of the tasks of determining the count of the load nodes, distributing power receivers between them, determining the design of power supply, taking into account the discreteness of the design of the system elements.

The proposed formalized method of building optimal the circuit design solutions of the local mains with renewable power supplies  during its design and modernization, which allows optimizing the mains structure with take apart the minimum losses of electrical energy and reduct discounted costs.

In addition, based on the joint use of evaluation and optimization models, the proposed method allows optimizing the loading of cable lines, which leads to a decrease in losses in them.

The results of numerical modeling based on the proposed algorithm are presented on the example of solving the problem of reconstruction of a section of the city mains after added renewable power supplies to it.

Author Biographies

A.P. Zabolotnyi , Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University

Ph.D, Associate professor, Associate professor of the power supply of industrial enterprises department of the Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Zaporizhzhia

D.V. Fedosha, National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"

Ph.D, Associate professor, Associate professor of the power supply of industrial enterprises department of the Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Zaporizhzhia

V.V. Diachenko, National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"

Ph.D, Associate professor, Associate professor of the power supply of industrial enterprises department of the Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Zaporizhzhia


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How to Cite

Zabolotnyi , A., Fedosha, D., & Diachenko, V. (2024). Algorithm for formation of optimum schematic solutions of local electrical power systems containing renewable sources of electric energy. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 26–34.