Application of protection device in autotransformer high-voltage winding neutral for increasing the efficiency of single-phase short-circuit current limiting


  • N. V. Vyshnevsky Dniprovska electric power system, Ukraine
  • A.N. Andriyenko Zaporozhye National Technical University, Ukraine



device, neutral, winding, current, short circuit, autotransformer, reactor, overvoltage, switching unit


Analysis of existing single-phase short current limiting devices is fulfilled. The proposed device for single-phase short-circuit current limiting in an autotransformer high voltage winding neutral is described.


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How to Cite

Vyshnevsky, N. V., & Andriyenko, A. (2011). Application of protection device in autotransformer high-voltage winding neutral for increasing the efficiency of single-phase short-circuit current limiting. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 60–63.