Starter-generator at the onboard of mobile installations


  • S. A. Khanakhmedova Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Azerbaijan



starter-generator, collector, rectifier, brake disk, pulley, lever, starting switching device, a crankshaft


Work is devoted to the decision of a question of creation of a one-machine electric network on board of mobile installations. It is given concept about design features of the new starter-generator system, starter and generator modes are analyzed, the power electric scheme with the analysis of system transition in a starter and a generating mode is given. The principle of their action and principles of the starter-generator transfer in this or that mode is given.

Author Biography

S. A. Khanakhmedova, Azerbaijan State Oil Academy



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How to Cite

Khanakhmedova, S. A. (2012). Starter-generator at the onboard of mobile installations. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (2), 34–37.