
  • A. G. Spitsa Zaporozhye National Technical University, Ukraine




transformer, insulation continuous monitoring, condition monitoring and diagnosis, operational factors


To ensure the required level of high voltage electrical networks reliability, special attention should be paid to the equipment technical condition monitoring and diagnosis. The periodic monitoring can only reduce the probability of device damaging. The time period between the insulation defect appearance and the device damage can be considerably less than the time interval between measurements recommended by the Testing norms and recommendations for each type of equipment. This demonstrates the lack of effectiveness of the systems of technical diagnostics and large time interval between tests. Continuous monitoring systems are free from these disadvantages. The article covers the results of the insulation continuous monitoring of current transformers and bushings at substation 330 kV «Dnipro-Donbass» Dnieper Power System. Operational factors affecting the reliability of the results are considered, and detailed analysis of errors caused by isolating transformers is given. The article describes methods and recommendations elaborated for mitigation of operational factors impact on the insulation continuous monitoring system. It should be noted that systems of continuous monitoring of transformer equipment under operating voltage are relatively new. Their implementation at the power facilities is at the initial stage. As a result, there is no reliable information on such systems operating experience. Therefore, the investigations covered by this article can be of practical value for both continuous monitoring system developers and operating personnel.

Author Biography

A. G. Spitsa, Zaporozhye National Technical University

Graduate student


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How to Cite

Spitsa, A. G. (2013). OPERATIONAL FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF CONTINUOUS MONITORING SYSTEM OF TRANSFORMER EQUIPMENT INSULATION. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 41–47. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-6761-2013-1-7