
  • A. V. Yershov Zaporozhye National Technical University, Ukraine
  • E. A. Zelenina Specialized ambulance station, Ukraine



convective and radioactive heat transfer, the Nusselt number and the Reynolds heat flux density, the emissivity of the plasma, optically transparent layer of plasma


The features of convection and radiant heat exchange of argon plasma cross flow from the surface of the melted butt of steel wire with plasma coating on metal surface are considered. We investigated the uneven distribution of convective heat flow around the perimeter of the heating wire The main part of convective heat flux of plasma centered on its wire is shown,. The density of convective heat flow in the neighborhood of its critical point during the heating of the plasma flow in a wire coating is defined. Calculation of the heat flux density is a 3-d plasma radiation. It is shown that the spherical layer of 2 mm radius of argon plasma is optically transparent in the temperature range (8–20) 103 k, since the degree of this layer blackness is considerably less than one. It is determined that the density of heat flow radiation of steel electrode surface is negligible compared with the radiation from the plasma column with the temperature 12·103 К

Author Biographies

A. V. Yershov, Zaporozhye National Technical University

Ph.D., Professor

E. A. Zelenina, Specialized ambulance station

Electronics engineer


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How to Cite

Yershov, A. V., & Zelenina, E. A. (2014). CONVECTIVE AND RADIATIVE HEAT TRANSFER DURING MELTING WIRE IN THE FLOW OF PLASMA ARC. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 37–42.