
  • D. I. Morozov Donbass State Technical University, Alchevs’k, Ukraine
  • I. S. Shevchenko Donbass State Technical University, Alchevs’k, Ukraine



electric drive, synchronous machine, rectifying machine


A mechanical collector of conventional DC machine is the element that limits the current and the armature speed and increases inertia. DC machine rectification realized on the basis of conventional DC machine is described; it externally rectifies the switch which is the analogue of the collector. The armature has a design similar to a phase-wound rotor of induction machine. It is shown that the switching frequency is determined by the armature rotation speed. Static mechanical characteristic of the rectifying DC machine is similar to that of the independent excitation of DC motor. The proposed variant of the DC motor is actually a synchronous machine of inverse design with armature regulation frequency. The motor is described as traditional salient pole synchronous machine. Starting dynamics simulation shows that the rectifying DC machine has better dynamic properties compared to the conventional DC motor due to overload capability and reduces the inertia of the armature

Author Biographies

D. I. Morozov, Donbass State Technical University, Alchevs’k

Ph.D., associate professor, assistant professor of automated electromechanical systems

I. S. Shevchenko, Donbass State Technical University, Alchevs’k

Ph.D., professor, professor of automated electromechanical systems


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How to Cite

Morozov, D. I., & Shevchenko, I. S. (2014). VALVE DIRECT CURRENT MOTOR ON THE BASIS OF THE SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE OF INVERSE DESIGN. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (2), 6–12.