


power supply systems, electric energy losses, operating conditions of the elements of power-supply systems, power-supply lines, electric energy savings


The aim of the work is to determine the factors that influence the change of electricity technical losses and the dynamics of power losses change depending on the exploitation term of the elements of power supply systems. This will allow to develop more accurate methods for determining the electric energy losses and calculate the real value of the power losses in the elements of the power supply system that have been operated for a long time. The task of electricity losses reduction is an important part of the more general problem of reducing energy consumption and efficient use of energy resources through the optimization of consumption and power generation.
In the context of continuous growth of power rates and change of energy consumption, the energy saving and rational management of the power economy get the great importance and present not only engineering problem, but also the economic problem. Hence the need to reduce non-productive energy losses and improve the technical operation of power supply system appears. Currently, much attention is paid to the electric energy losses reduction through the development of more accurate methods of the energy losses determination in all elements of power systems.
The analysis shows that the change of power losses is determined by changing of the permanent electric networks reconfiguration as a result of their reconstruction and changes in the conditions and frequency of use, as well as the technical state of the elements of power supply systems during the operation

Author Biographies

D. V. Tsyplenkov, National Mining University

Ph.D. assistant professor of renewable energy sources department

P. Yu. Krasovskiy, National Mining University

Аssistant of renewable energy sources department


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How to Cite

Tsyplenkov, D. V., & Krasovskiy, P. Y. (2015). METHODS AND MEANS OF TECHNICAL LOSSES REDUCTION OF ELECTRICITY IN THE ELEMENTS OF POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 77–82.