Study of unbalance voltage in three-phase networks with different neutral modes




voltage, zero sequence, asymmetry, isolated neutral, compensated neutral, network with a resistor in the neutral


Purpose. Determination of the influence of network parameters with different neutral modes on the zero-sequence voltage

Methodology. The research methodology is based on the general theory of electrical engineering and, in particular, on the method of symmetrical components.

Findings. A mathematical model has been developed to establish the nature of the zero-sequence voltage change for different modes of the network neutral. The value of the zero-sequence voltages and the angles between the phase voltage vector with asymmetry and the zero-sequence voltage vector depending on the capacitive asymmetry, capacitance and active resistance of the network insulation for different neutral modes are established.

Originality. Conducted studies have shown that the largest increase in the zero-sequence voltage is observed at the asymmetry capacity, which is 10...30% of the network insulation capacity. Moreover, the relative capacitive asymmetry of the insulation when changing the values of the capacitance of the network relative to the ground has the most significant effect on the value of the zero-sequence voltage in networks with a compensated neutral and is practically excluded when the neutral of the network is completely isolated relative to the ground.

Practical value. For real parameters of the network, based on the results of theoretical and experimental studies, it is possible to judge the efficiency of existing protection devices and use them in the development of new principles and protection devices.

Author Biography

Y.V. Stepanenko, Dnipro University of Technology

Ph.D, Associate professor, Associate professor of the Department of Electric Power Engineering, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro


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How to Cite

Stepanenko, Y. (2024). Study of unbalance voltage in three-phase networks with different neutral modes. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (2), 27–35.