Substantiation of energy efficiency of automated heating technology at HPS




heat pump, heat accumulator, automation, energy saving, hydro storage power plant, thermal power, control


Purpose. Justification of rational control parameters of heat pumps to ensure energy-efficient operation of hydroelectric power plants in heating mode. Development of an automated methodology for calculating rational parameters for a complex system of hydroelectric power station (HPS) operating in heating mode.

Methodology. Mathematical analysis and modeling.

Findings. The application of the heat pump to ensure the heating mode at the hydroelectric power station for the needs of heating and hot water supply of buildings is analytically substantiated, as well as the rational parameters of the heat pump, which ensure the efficient heating mode at the hydroelectric power station, are determined. It is impractical and inefficient to pass the full flow of water passing through the hydraulic unit through the heat pump, because in this case the energy consumption in the heat pump compressor is several times higher than the consumption of the hydraulic unit in pumping mode, which devalues the proposed measure as an energy-saving measure. Therefore, the limiting and rational values of the design and operating parameters of the heat pump and heat accumulator, which ensure the heating mode of operation of the HPS to meet the needs of hot water supply, were substantiated. According to the proposed technology, the operation of a hydro unit with a typical capacity of 120 MW in the heating mode for various energy consumptions for the electric drive of the heat pump compressor was investigated. In accordance with these costs, the values and ratios of the electricity and heat generation shares of the modernized HPS changed.

The proposed unconventional technology for converting hydroelectric power plants to the heat generation mode allows for wide effective maneuvering in different proportions of electric and thermal generation, unlike CHP and other power plants. The technology under consideration allows for virtually no consumption of non-renewable energy resources, providing consumers with both electric and thermal energy.

Originality. The technology of using a heat pump to transfer the operation of the hydroelectric power station to the heating mode (heating and hot water of residential buildings) is substantiated. An automated technique for determining the rational parameters of heat pump (HP) for the implementation of HPS heating technology has been developed. The developed automated technique allows to calculate the values of operational parameters of HP for the balance and arbitrary modes, which ensure the heating operation of the HPS to meet the current needs of heating and hot water supply.

Practical value. The use of a heat pump at a hydroelectric power station for heating and hot water supply allows you to save a third of conventional fuel consumption compared to a boiler unit.

Author Biography

I.H. Olishevskyi, Dnipro University of Technology

PhD student and assistant of the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro


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How to Cite

Olishevskyi, I. (2024). Substantiation of energy efficiency of automated heating technology at HPS. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (2), 36–43.



Automation and computer-integrated technologies