Implementation of energy flow control of underground consumers in an iron ore mine




Canopy algorithm, Hadoop platform, energy flow management, underground consumers, smart grid, iron ore mine


Purpose. To enhance the capabilities of the power flow control algorithm to minimize the level of electricity consumption in the electric power system of an iron ore mine, this includes underground consumers.

Methodology. The research was conducted using the following methods: fuzzy attribute reduction of a coarse set, attribute reduction by QuickReduct, K-means, and the Hadoop platform.

Findings. The article considers and describes the methodology for implementing an algorithm for minimizing the levels of electricity consumption for underground consumers of an iron ore mine. An algorithm implementation of the Kanopy algorithm using the fast calculation function has been developed and improved.

 Classification using the K-means method and its implementation in the basic Hadoop platform was carried out. An efficiently functioning and improved algorithm for source control has been built to minimize the volume of electricity consumption in underground consumers of an iron ore mine. The key advantage of this algorithm for practical application is its flexibility in operation: it provides several solution options, unlike typical mathematical methods, where only one solution option is offered to determine the sequence of solving the tasks and problems. This algorithm will allow its use with multiple methods for calculating key energy parameters, which will help reduce the excessive amount of data for calculating volumes given the uncertainty of energy consumption by underground consumers and avoid unnecessary calculation operations in a branched data structure with several solutions with a clear systematization.

Originality. The paper improves the practical implementation of the functioning algorithm, which allows increasing the accuracy and efficiency of calculations by eliminating excessive levels of power consumption by underground consumers of an iron ore mine.

Practical value. This research should be applied to the preventive assessment and analysis of the calculated volumes for reducing power consumption levels and their systematization using methods with a branched data structure for underground consumers of an iron ore mine. Two possible ways of further development and improvement of the state of energy and power equipment at mining enterprises (especially at an iron ore mine) are outlined.

Author Biography

V.P. Vlasyuk, Kryvyi Rih National University

postgraduate student, Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih


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How to Cite

Vlasyuk, V. (2024). Implementation of energy flow control of underground consumers in an iron ore mine. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 7–16.