Controlling electrical circuit of electric motor on igbt transistors


  • I. Shishkin National University ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”, Ukraine
  • Sergii Lushchin National University ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”, Ukraine



electric motor control circuit, contactors, IGBT transistors, DC electric motor


Purpose. Development and analysis of the operation of an electrical circuit for controlling a 700 W direct current electric motor using a contactor on IGBT transistors for operation in diesel locomotives.

Methodology. Analytical and computational methods for developing and analyzing the operation of an electrical circuit using a contactor on IGBT transistors.

Findings. An electrical circuit for controlling a 700 W DC motor using IGBT transistors was developed. The circuit allows you to replace electromagnetic contactors with IGBT transistors to improve the technical characteristics and performance of the electric motor. The use of IGBT transistors allows you to avoid burning of contact groups in comparison with an electromagnetic contactor. A graphical analysis of the transient processes during switching on and off of the electric motor using a circuit based on IGBT transistors was carried out. The analysis of the load characteristic of the electric motor at start-up shows that in the initial section the voltage increases according to a linear law. After the initial increase in voltage, it reaches the set value and the electric motor operates in the operating mode. The analysis of the load characteristics of the electric motor when it is turned off shows, that when the power is turned off, the motor can’t stop immediately, as the phenomenon of self-induction occurs. When the external voltage is turned off, its change on the electric motor occurs according to the exponential law. It is shown that for controlling the operation of the electric motor, it is more appropriate to use an electric circuit based on IGBT transistors, which provides conditions for more stable and safe operation of the electric motor. Using the electrical circuit allows you to find quickly malfunctions for their further elimination. The electrical circuit allows you to avoid physical wear of its electrical elements.

Originality.  An electrical circuit for controlling an electric motor based on modern electronic components has been developed, which allows the use of IGBT transistors instead of electromagnetic contactors. On the basis of the analytical and calculation method and graphical analysis, the expediency of using IGBT transistors instead of electromagnetic contactors has been proven.

Practical value.  The developed electrical circuit can be applied to control a 700 W direct current electric motor for operation in diesel locomotives. The proposed electrical circuit allows to increase the mobility of repairs in the event of a malfunction by replacing the corresponding unit.

Author Biographies

I. Shishkin, National University ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”

Student of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the National University ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”, Zaporizhzhia

Sergii Lushchin, National University ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”

Ph.D, Associate professor, Associate professor of the department of physics of the National University ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”, Zaporizhzhia


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How to Cite

Shishkin, I., & Lushchin, S. (2023). Controlling electrical circuit of electric motor on igbt transistors . Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 30–35.