Automated methodology of calculating parameters for non-traditional technology of heating mode of hydro-storage power plant station


  • Illia Olishevskyi Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Gusev Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine
  • Hennadii Olishevskyi Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine



heat pump, heat accumulator, automation, energy saving, hydro storage power plant, thermal power


Purpose. Justification of the rational parameters of heat pumps and heat accumulators to ensure the efficient operation of the hydro storage power plant (HSPP) in the heating mode. Development of an automated methodology for calculating rational parameters for a complex system of a hydro storage power plant operating in heating mode.

Methodology. Mathematical analysis and modeling.

Findings. Using the developed automated calculation method, it was analyzed and determined that passing through the heat pump the full flow of water passing through the hydro unit is impractical and ineffective, because the energy consumption in the heat pump compressor is many times higher than the consumption of the hydro unit in pumping mode, which devalues the proposed measure as an energy-saving measure.

The use of a heat pump and a heat accumulator at the hydro storage power plant for hot water supply needs will save a third of conventional fuel costs compared to a boiler unit.

 The developed automated technique allows to calculate the limit and rational values of design and operating parameters of the heat pump and heat accumulator, which ensure the heating mode of operation of the hydro storage power plant to meet the needs of hot water supply.

Originality. An automated methodology for calculating the parameters of a complex system has been developed for the hydro storage power plant operating in heating mode. The concept of the maximum heat capacity of the hot water supply of the heat pump  is introduced. The concept of the rational heat capacity of the hot water supply of the heat pump  is introduced. In addition to the maximum heat capacity and the rational heat capacity modes, the developed method allows you to calculate all the parameters of the heat pump and heat accumulator, which provide the heating mode of the hydro storage power plant, for arbitrary values of the thermal power of hot water supply, with further comparison and analysis of the investigated modes and the selection of the most promising one.

Practical value. The technology of using a heat pump and a heat accumulator to transfer the operation of the  hydro storage power plant to the heating mode (hot water supply of residential buildings) is substantiated. The possibility of saving conditional fuel when applying the proposed technology is proven.

Author Biographies

Illia Olishevskyi, Dnipro University of Technology

PhD student and assistant of the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro

Oleksandr Gusev, Dnipro University of Technology

PhD, Professor of the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro

Hennadii Olishevskyi, Dnipro University of Technology

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Electric Power Engineering, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro


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How to Cite

Olishevskyi, I., Gusev, O., & Olishevskyi, H. (2023). Automated methodology of calculating parameters for non-traditional technology of heating mode of hydro-storage power plant station. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 36–42.