Improvement of the cold rolling mill diagnostic system based on the data base of its electromechanical processes


  • Olena Nazarova Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
  • Bohdan Vasyliev Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
  • Danylo Shokurov Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Ukraine



diagnostics, database, electromechanical processes, cold rolling mill, fuzzy logic, transient process, modeling


Purpose. To improve the diagnostic system of the cold rolling mill based on the database of its electromechanical processes, by developing a fuzzy decision-making system as to the condition of the rolling mill electrical drives, which will increase the efficiency of the existing diagnostic system.

Methodology. Mathematical and computer modeling.

Findings.A fuzzy decision-making system about the state of two interconnected electric drives of the unwinding mechanism and the rolling mill has been developed to investigate and prevent the pre-emergency state associated with the break of the rolling metal strip. The specified decision-making system is built on the basis of a database of electromechanical processes of electric drives of the skin-threat single-celled state of cold rolling of the cold rolling shop No. 1 of PJSC "Zaporizhstal". At the input of this system, the voltage of the armature circuit of the unwinding mechanism motor, the armature circuit current of the unwinding mechanism motor, the tension of the rolled metal strip in the area between the unwinder and the rolling cage are set. At the output, the general state of the system is obtained, which depends on the values of the input data. Information on the value of the tensile strength of the rolled metal strip can be obtained on the basis of the pressure data and voltage sensors, which are installed on industrial equipment. Information about the value of the tension force of the rolled metal strip can be obtained both by installing additional measuring devices and indirectly, using mathematical models of the roll current radius and the linear speed of the rolled metal strip.

Originality. The system for diagnosing the condition of cold rolling has been improved by introducing a fuzzy decision-making system into its composition based on a database of electromechanical processes of the electric drives of the unwinding mechanism and the cage, which will allow to prevent an emergency condition caused by a break in the rolled metal strip.

Practical value. Prevention of breaking of the rolled metal strip on the basis of an improved system for diagnosing the state of cold rolling, which uses information from the database of its electromechanical processes in order to improve the efficiency of the product quality management process. Using complete organized information and experience of operating a cold rolling mill, you can form technical and technological solutions for the modernization of existing and development of new technological equipment and systems for automatic control of electric drives of rolling mills.

Author Biographies

Olena Nazarova, Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University

Candidate of Technical Science, Associate professor, Associate professor of the department of electric drive and automation of industrial equipment, Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Bohdan Vasyliev, Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University

Master of the department of electric drive and automation of industrial equipment, Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Danylo Shokurov, Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University

Student of the department of electric drive and automation of industrial equipment, Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Nazarova, O., Vasyliev, B., & Shokurov, D. (2023). Improvement of the cold rolling mill diagnostic system based on the data base of its electromechanical processes. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 7–18.