Ways of analysis of electric consumption of main conveyor transport


  • V.N. Prokuda Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine
  • D.I. Burtnyi Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine




conveyor, mine network, freight traffic, power consumption, frequency converter


Purpose. Based on the conducted research, according to generalized data, the potential for reducing electricity costs on conveyor transport is in the range of 40 - 50%. One of the promising methods of solving the problem is the introduction of frequency converters and tape speed control systems, which according to calculations will reduce energy consumption by 28-35%. Based on the above, the main goal is to develop more advanced and innovative methods aimed at analyzing the possibilities of improving the energy efficiency of mine conveyor transport. The work aims to study the potential for reducing energy consumption for the mine complex of mine management "Pokrovske" by developing a simulation model of energy consumption of mine conveyor transport, taking into account the dynamics of freight flows. Also before the work is the goal of developing a simulation model, which should allow to set a wide range of incoming cargo, set the mechanical parameters of conveyors, such as: installation angle, weight of the moving part, belt speed and productivity of the complex as a whole.

Methodology. Markov processes, elements of probability theory and mathematical statistics, which were used to develop a simulation model of freight flows of mine conveyor transport in the modeling environment "Matlab".

Findings.The calculation of electricity consumption of the main conveyor transport of the mine of the Pokrovske mine management is shown, with the help of the developed simulation model. Estimated data for equipment involved in the technological process of the enterprise, which allows to increase its productivity and optimize production winds in the future. А simulation model is developed. It allows set in a wide range the amount of incoming cargo flow (time of arrival / absence, mathematical expectation and variance); set the mechanical parameters of the conveyors (installation angle, mass of moving parts, maximum productivity, nominal speed of the belt); to simulate the reduction of speed when installing a regulated drive; set the capacity and performance of the bunkers in the nodes of the circuit; automate the calculation of electricity consumption separately for each conveyor and the transport scheme as a whole for any configuration of the above parameters.

Originality. The developed simulation model allows to automate the calculation of the power consumption of each conveyor separately and the mine conveyor transport scheme as a whole for any configuration of the main technical parameters of the considered equipment.

Practical value. The practical significance of the work is the developed model of the conveyor transport system of the mine management mine "Pokrovske", which based on research allows us to conclude that the use of frequency-controlled drive will reduce power consumption of the conveyor chain by 25-50%. Also, according to the obtained data, with a partial calculation of additional parameters, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the prospects and possibilities of implementing the proposed methods in the production process.

Author Biographies

V.N. Prokuda, Dnipro University of Technology

Ph.D. in Technology, assistant of the Department of Power Engineering of the National Technical University "Dneprovskaya Polytechnic", Dnipro

D.I. Burtnyi , Dnipro University of Technology

student, gr. 141-18-1, Department of Power Engineering of the National Technical University "Dneprovskaya Polytechnic", Dnipro


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How to Cite

Prokuda, V., & Burtnyi , D. (2022). Ways of analysis of electric consumption of main conveyor transport. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 42–48. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-6761-2022-1-4