Problems of electromagnetic compatibility of powerful energy associations during mass connection of renewable energy sources


  • Yu.A. Papaika Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine
  • O.G. Lysenko Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine
  • A.V. Bublikov Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine
  • I.G. Olishevskiy Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine



electromagnetic compatibility, modeling, quality of electric energy, renewable energy sources, inverter equipment


Purpose. Analysis of the problem of energy efficiency and electromagnetic compatibility of powerful energy associations with nonlinear loads and renewable energy sources. Finding promising ways to increase energy efficiency of power supply systems.

Methodology. Mathematical modeling of electromagnetic compatibility.

Findings. The analysis of the problem of energy efficiency and electromagnetic compatibility of powerful energy associations with nonlinear loads and renewable energy sources allows us to formulate the following provisions that determine the objectives of this study. A promising way to increase the energy efficiency of power supply systems is the introduction of refined methods of analysis and forecasting of electrical modes of industrial enterprises, as well as indicators of voltage quality and reliability of electrical equipment.

Originality.  Although the problem of electromagnetic compatibility has been the subject of numerous domestic and foreign studies, it should be noted that most of these works consider the processes of generating electromagnetic interference in the electrical network without reference to the technological schedules of electrical equipment.

Practical value.  One of the electromagnetic effects, which is manifested in the operation of frequency converters, are significant levels of interharmonics and higher harmonics, which are generated in the electrical network and contribute to the growth of electricity losses and reduce the service life of electrical equipment. However, the regularities connecting the parameters of the power system and the modes of powerful industrial converters have not been studied, and the substantiation of the parameters of a rational energy efficient mode of the power supply system, taking into account individual graphs of higher harmonics, has not been carried out until today.

Author Biographies

Yu.A. Papaika, Dnipro University of Technology

Professor, Head of the Department of Power engineering, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro

O.G. Lysenko, Dnipro University of Technology

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., Department of Electric drive, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

A.V. Bublikov, Dnipro University of Technology

Professor, Department of Cyberphysical and Information-measuring Systems, Dnipro

I.G. Olishevskiy, Dnipro University of Technology

Assistant, Department of Department of Information Security and Telecommunications, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro


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How to Cite

Papaika, Y., Lysenko, O., Bublikov, A., & Olishevskiy, I. (2021). Problems of electromagnetic compatibility of powerful energy associations during mass connection of renewable energy sources. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 34–45.