Reliability assessment of power supply systems with powerful nonlinear loads


  • Yu.A. Papaika Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine
  • O.G. Lysenko Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine
  • A.V. Bublikov Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine
  • I.G. Olishevskiy Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine



the law of distribution of a random variable, ; indicators of reliability of electrical equipment, service life, reliability index, electrical networks, mathematical expectation, inverter equipment, modeling


Purpose. To substantiate the expediency of applying distribution laws to model the reliability of power supply systems with powerful nonlinear loads.

Methodology. Application of exponential and normal distribution laws, and Weibull's law.

Findings. In a comprehensive assessment of the problem of electromagnetic compatibility and the development of multicriteria parameters of energy efficiency of power supply systems of industrial enterprises, it is most appropriate to use the reliability of the elements that are mathematically described by the Weibull distribution. At the same time, the results of modeling of typical electrical modes and variations of substitution schemes of enterprises showed the sensitivity of reliability indicators to changes in power system capacity.

Originality.  New theoretical foundations for research in modern power supply systems with increasing nonlinear load capacity have developed the scientific basis for analysis and synthesis of energy processes in multiphase electrical systems and propose methods of correction taking into account the complex action of sources of electromagnetic interference. And also to offer methods of estimation of their influence on reliability and efficiency of work of the basic electrotechnological equipment.

Practical value.  The possibility of applying the obtained results to assess the reliability of power supply systems with powerful nonlinear loads is substantiated. The necessary accuracy and reliability of the decision at the levels of random events, quantities and processes is provided. The mathematical apparatus for the analysis of the main indicators of reliability in the presence of non-sinusoidal voltage is given. Conclusions are made on the adequacy of the calculation results at different stages of electricity distribution. It is shown that the simultaneous optimization of reliability and voltage quality are components of a complex scientific problem of ensuring energy efficiency of electrical networks in the implementation of decentralized models of the energy system.

Author Biographies

Yu.A. Papaika, Dnipro University of Technology

Professor, Head of the Department of Power engineering, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro

O.G. Lysenko, Dnipro University of Technology

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., Department of Electric drive, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro

A.V. Bublikov, Dnipro University of Technology

Professor, Department of Cyberphysical and Information-measuring Systems, Dnipro

I.G. Olishevskiy, Dnipro University of Technology

Assistant, Department of Department of Information Security and Telecommunications, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro


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How to Cite

Papaika, Y., Lysenko, O., Bublikov, A., & Olishevskiy, I. (2020). Reliability assessment of power supply systems with powerful nonlinear loads. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (4), 26–34.