


adjustable voltage converter, soft switching, input and output resistance, input filter, impedance, double-circuit stabilization system, stability, cascade connection, complex load


Purpose. Assessment of the dynamic resistance of a stabilized converter based on the calculation of switching power supplies using the method of averaging state variables and using a computer. Consideration of measures to increase the output resistance and improve the parameters of the transition process, increase its stability. Consideration of the features of the pulsed power supply operation to an electric arc with a capacitance.

Methodology. Classical frequency control theories and methods for the experimental determination of frequency parameters.

Findings. The issues arising in the design and development of devices and power systems for the electric arc are considered - the electromagnetic compatibility of individual nodes in the power supply system, their stability, as well as the stability of the entire power supply system. A feature of the pulse voltage converter operation for a complex load is considered. The causes of the self-oscillation regime are shown. If necessary, the filter damping elements can be added to eliminate self-oscillations. The influence of external feedbacks on the dynamic properties of a pulsed voltage converter operating on an arc load is investigated. To ensure stability in the "electromagnetic interference filter- pulse voltage converter" system the output resistance of the filter should be reduced to a value lower than the input resistance of the converter. The results of the complex input resistance calculation of a pulse voltage converter can be used to analyze the stability of the power supply system with the input filter of the radio noise. Additional feedback on the voltage across the arc leads to a significant increase in the output impedance of the converter and to smoothing its frequency response (the absence of a resonance maximum), which is highly desirable. In general, the frequency dependence of the output resistance for a dual-circuit system is more favorable than for a single-circuit in terms of dynamics.

Originality. Application of new effective algorithms for calculation and spectral analysis of processes in closed nonlinear discrete systems with various types of feedbacks in the mode of their normal functioning to the new object analysis.

Practical value. The presentation is constructive in nature and ends with the procedure for designing controllers using a new, full-scale control theory for objects with indefinite parameters.

Author Biographies

YE.M. Vereshchaho, Department of Marine Instrument of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv

PhD, Associate professor, Associate professor of Department of Marine Instrument of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv

V.I. Kostiuchenko, Department of Marine Electric Power Systems of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Marine Electric Power Systems of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv


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How to Cite

Vereshchaho, Y., & Kostiuchenko, V. (2019). ANALYSIS OF DYNAMIC RESISTANCE OF THE CONVERTER WITH SOFT SWITCHING FOR SUPPLYING TECHNOLOGICAL INSTALLATIONS. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, 1(4), 32–45.