Definition of the current spreading process ways in the internal volume of ore-thermal furnace




ore-thermal furnace, elemental volume, current spreading paths, electrical energy


Purpose. The purpose of this work is the theoretical determination of current spreading ways in the internal volume of  the ore-thermal furnace bath. Using the obtained results, it is possible to determine where and in what electrical energy amount is allocated in the working space. It will allow to calculate the bath temperature field.

Methodology. In the course of research work the theory of electrical circuits was used to describe electrical processes and the method of cylindrical coordinates to represent the working space of a bath as a set of mono-volume components.

Findings. The proposed chain of steps to determine the current spreading ways and the calculation formulas to find out the electrical energy input amount to each allocated elemental component of the ore-thermal furnace volume are used. The mathematical formulae to construct the current trajectory flow are proposed.

Originality.  For the first time, it was assumed that the trajectory of current flow in the furnace working space has the shape of an arc. It passes between two electrodes and exists both in the horizontal and in the vertical flats of the bath due to the electrical conductivity of the charge materials. The latter, in turn, varies depending on the temperature value. This fact is taken into account when calculating the amount of energy input because of electric current.

Practical value. Subsequently, the implementation of the proposed method for determination the paths of current spreading on a mathematical or physical model allows to obtain data on the amount of electrical energy input at any point in the furnace. Since the process of energy input is one of the first steps in the process of obtaining ferroalloys, the proposed above will allow to calculate various parameters as for one elemental volume (point) and as for the whole furnace bath volume.

Author Biographies

V. Yu. Mishchenko, Zaporizhzhia National Technical University

Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises of the Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Yu. H. Kachan, Zaporizhzhia National Technical University

Sci.D, Professor, Professor of the Department of Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises of the Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia


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How to Cite

Mishchenko, V. Y., & Kachan, Y. H. (2019). Definition of the current spreading process ways in the internal volume of ore-thermal furnace. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (2), 51–57.