



asynchronous motor, frequency regulation, electric power loss, optimization


Purpose. Obtaining analytical dependencies for calculating the extreme (minimum) values of the main electrical energy losses of a three-phase short-circuited asynchronous engine in the regimes of its magnetization and demagnetization and determining the optimal values of the magnetization and demagnetization times corresponding to these regimes.

Methodology. Mathematical analysis, the theory of similarity and imitational computer modeling.

Findings. Analytical dependences are obtained for calculating the main electric power and energy losses in the magnetization and demagnetization regimes of a stopped short-circuited frequency-controlled asynchronous motor with reference to various types (linear, parabolic and in hyperbolic sinus functions) of the rotor flux modulus of the motor. The study of transient electromagnetic and energy processes of this engine in the specified regimes. The minimum possible values of the main energy losses of a stopped engine in the regimes of its magnetization and demagnetization and the corresponding optimal values of the times of magnetization and demagnetization are determined for the different types of trajectories of change in the engine-linking rotor of the motor.

Originality.  It consists in obtaining analytical calculation dependences for determining the optimal magnetization times and demagnetization of the stopped frequency-controlled asynchronous motor, which ensure the minimization of its main energy losses in the magnetization and demagnetization regimes.

Practical value.  Reduction of unproductive energy losses for frequency-controlled asynchronous motor with their magnetization and demagnetization regimes.

Author Biography

V.A. Volkov, PhD., Associate Professor

Doctoral Candidate of National Mining University, Dnepr


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How to Cite

Volkov, V. (2019). OPTIMIZATION OF TIMES OF MAGNETIZATION AND DEMAGNETIZATION OF A STOPPED FREQUENCY-REGULATED ASYNCHRONOUS MOTOR. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (4), 17–29. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-6761-2018-4-2