
  • V. V. Radchenko Zaporizhzhia state engineering academy, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



hydro energy, reserve of powers, dynamics of hydro aggregate, hydro generator, efficiency


Purpose. Determination of the reserves of the main equipment in terms of the systemic role of hydroelectric power stations.

Methodology. Complex poliobjecting approach to the analysis and determination of operating constituents of generation and basic energy equipment.

Findings. The urgency and the basis of the system requirements for the efficiency of the power equipment of hydroelectric power stations, which allows ensuring the formation of the necessary functional level of the generation process is proposed. The features of the main components of the transformation technology and their interaction are considered. Reflects the influence of the components of the end-to-end path of the generation process. Characteristics of the conversion efficiency in the mobility conditions are obtained. The main possibilities and ways of organizing an effective energy exchange of a hydro generator are shown. The ways of increasing the operating efficiency of the existing equipment of hydroelectric power stations are proposed.

Originality. The multi-subject requirements of the system approach is proposed for determining equipment reserves and increasing generation efficiency, which makes it possible to determine the dynamic generation components and performance criteria.

Practical value. The system requirements for studying the end-to-end path of energy transformations and increasing the efficiency of generating of basic equipment of the hydroelectric power stations and its systemic role are determined.

Author Biography

V. V. Radchenko, Zaporizhzhia state engineering academy, Zaporizhzhia

Ph.D, Associate professor, Associate professor of thermal energy and hydroenergy department


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How to Cite

Radchenko, V. V. (2018). SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS TO THE EFFICIENCY OF HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER STATIONS. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (3), 22–29.