
  • S.P. Lushchin Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Ukraine
  • A.V. Borkovskih Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Ukraine
  • M.V. Borkovskih Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Ukraine



overhead power transmission line, aluminum alloyed with zirconium, throughput, brands of wires


Purpose. Determination of the capacity of wires of overhead power transmission lines based on innovative materials without changing the currently used structures, as well as the possibility of increasing the voltage class of overhead transmission lines when using wires based on aluminum-zirconium materials.

Methodology. Analytical method for determining the throughput capacity of overhead power transmission lines. Comparative analysis of electrical characteristics of wires of overhead power transmission lines.

Findings. The possibility of increasing the capacity of overhead power transmission lines while maintaining the wire cross-section, using an innovative material based on an aluminum-zirconium alloy, has been proved. The reduction of the weight of the wire based on innovative materials is justified, while maintaining the current throughput. The advantages and disadvantages of European wire structures for overhead power transmission lines are revealed using innovative material based on an aluminum-zirconium alloy. The optimal design of wires based on the innovative material of the aluminum-zirconium alloy for overhead transmission lines, permissible for use on the territory of Ukraine, has been determined.

Originality. The expediency of using the traditional designs of the wires of overhead power transmission lines has been proved, in the case of using innovative material. The possibility of increasing the voltage class of overhead power transmission lines using wires based on aluminum-zirconium materials has been substantiated.

Practical value. The results are obtained regarding the electrical resistance of overhead power transmission lines to peak loads, taking into account the low costs of modernization with the use of an innovative material based on an alloy of aluminum and zirconium. The use of innovative material creates conditions for increasing the voltage class of overhead power transmission lines, which allows increasing the transmitted power to the consumer. The use of materials based on aluminum-zirconium alloys makes it possible to carry out measures for the reconstruction of electric supply networks without replacement of supports and additional work on land allocation, as in the case of reconstruction without increasing the voltage line class of power lines, and in case of increasing the voltage class.

Author Biographies

S.P. Lushchin, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University

Cand. of Phys.-Mathem. Sciences, associate professor, Department of Physics

A.V. Borkovskih, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University

Student of the Department of Electrical Machines

M.V. Borkovskih, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University

Student of the Department of Electrical Machines


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How to Cite

Lushchin, S., Borkovskih, A., & Borkovskih, M. (2018). ANALYSIS OF ELECTROTECHNICAL PROPERTIES OF INNOVATIVE HIGH-TEMPERATURE WIRES FOR OVERHEAD POWER TRANSMISSION LINES. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (2), 37–44.