



синхронная машина, режимы намагничивания и размагничивания, потери электрической энергии, оптимизация


Purpose. Investigation and optimization (minimization) of electric energy losses in a stopped synchronous machine with a thyristor exciter under conditions of its magnetization and demagnetization.

Methodology. Operator and variational calculus, mathematical analysis and simulation computer simulation.

Findings. The mathematical description of the system under study is developed: "thyristor exciter – stopped synchronous machine", which represents the analytical dependencies for electromagnetic processes, as well as the total power and energy losses in the system under magnetization and demagnetization regimes of the synchronous machine. The optimal time functions for changing the flux linkages of the damper winding and the excitation current of the stopped synchronous machine, in which they are minimized by energy in the system under investigation when the machine is magnetized and demagnetized. The dependences of the total energy losses in the system under study on the durations of the magnetization and demagnetization times of the machine are calculated, and their comparison is compared for different types (linear, parabolic and proposed optimal) of the trajectories of the change of the linkage, as well as for a linear and exponential change in the excitation current of the machine. Analytic dependencies are obtained using the calculations of electromagnetic and energy transient processes in the "thyristor exciter – stopped synchronous machine" system under the considered types of variation of flux linkage and excitation current of the machine.

Originality. It consists in finding the optimal trajectories of the time variation of the excitation current of a stopped synchronous machine and the optimal durations of its magnetization and demagnetization times, which ensure minimization of energy losses in the system "thyristor exciter – stopped synchronous machine".

Practical value. It consists in reducing unproductive energy losses in synchronous generators and motors under the conditions of their magnetization and demagnetization.

Author Biography

V. A. VOLKOV, National Technical University "Dniprovs'ka Politechnika"

PhD., Associate Professor, Doctoral Candidate of Electrical drive department


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How to Cite

VOLKOV, V. A. (2018). OPTIMIZATION OF MAGNETIZATION AND MAGNATION REGIMES OF STOPPED THREE-PHASE SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 52–63. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-6761-2018-1-6