


the mathematical model, the magnetic field, the magnetic vector potential, finite element method, idling, three-phase power transformer, harmonic structure, magnetic flux, active and reactive power


Purpose. The development of a new implementation of mathematical modeling in the FEMM tools structure to time
variable processes of electromagnetic energy transformation in power distribution transformers and determination of
idle parameters in view of nonlinear magnetic properties of electrical steels and features design of three phase magnetic
systems to provide the accuracy increase of the magnetic flux distribution and idle parameters.

Research methods. Numerical modeling of the conjugate electric and magnetic fields in the three-phase power transformer by finite element method and theory of electromagnetic field.

The obtained results. The theoretical research and modeling of the conjugate electric and magnetic processes on the basis of realization by numerical finite element method of the generalized two-dimensional models of the three-phase power transformer are proposed. The nonlinearity of the magnetic properties of electrical steel and the change of the phase angles of the currents in the phase windings at idle are taken into account. The distribution and form of the time dependences of the magnetic fluxes in the magnetic system of the three-phase power transformer are analyzed. The harmonic components of the time dependences of the magnetic fluxes in the cores, the yokes, the magnetic system corners and related non-sinusoidal coefficients are defined. The correction of the distribution of the magnetic flux values in the corners and calculations of the three-phase systems active and reactive power are made. The calculation accuracy of parameters of three-phase distribution transformer idling is increased.

Scientific novelty. The technique for the analysis of distribution and form of the time dependences of the magnetic fluxes in the magnetic system of the three-phase power transformer are presented, the non-linear magnetic properties of electrical steel and the change of the phase angles of the currents in the phase windings at idle are taken into account. The harmonic components of the time dependences of the magnetic fluxes and related non-sinusoidal coefficients are defined, their differences in the cores, the yokes, the magnetic system corners are set.

Practical significance. The method of correction for the distribution of the magnetic flux value in the corners and calculations of the three-phase systems active and reactive power are proposed. The calculation accuracy of parameters of three-phase distribution transformer idling (relative error is to 5%) at the design stage is increased.

Author Biographies

D. S. Yarymbash, Zaporozhye National Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, Head of the Department of Electrical Machines of Zaporozhye National Technical University

S. T Yarymbash, Zaporozhye National Technical University

Ph.D., assistant professor, Pro-rector of the Zaporozhye National Technical University

T. E. Divchuk, Zaporozhye National Technical University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electrical Machines of Zaporozhye National Technical University

I. M. Kylymnik, Zaporozhye National Technical University

Ph.D., assistant professor, Assistant professorof the Department of Higher Mathematics of Zaporozhye National Technical University


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How to Cite

Yarymbash, D. S., Yarymbash, S. T., Divchuk, T. E., & Kylymnik, I. M. (2016). THE FEATURES OF MAGNETIC FLUX DISTRIBUTION OF THE IDLING MODE OF THE POWER TRANSFORMERS. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (2), 5–12.